Simons Harbor has one well-protected cove and one somewhat-protected cove. Above is the nicest of the two coves. A stern tie was needed again to secure the boat. Simons is one of the best harbors visited along Lake Superior's shore. The inner cove has beautiful scenery and the coastal trail runs right along the water, giving easy access to this amazing hike through the woods and rocks.
A walk along the high peninsula separating the two coves provided a better view of the bottom than on the flybridge. The rocky bottom and shallows are more evident from a higher vantage point.
The end of the peninsula had a different topography than most of Superior's rocky shore. The sloping face was filled with hollows that had become gardens, planted in attractive ways.
The lower edge by the water had white rock stripes running through black granite with some red granite throwing in. The rounded rock face denotes that the weather-driven waves can come into the harbor polishing the rocks smooth.

The smooth rocks do make for a nice dinghy landing and starting point for a hike up the rock face.
Hiking across the peninsula brings a nice view of the other cove at Simons, which is not as large and is more open to the big lake. It was quiet and calm on this day.
Looking to the right from the above vantage point, the high peninsula that forms Simons Harbor is prominent.
Out into the lake, off the point above, lies a lumpy island with a stand of trees appearing much like hair on a head. This island guards the entrance to Simons. Navigationally, this island is a puzzle. Simons Harbor has many shoals along its mouth. In fact, the charts show a shoal in the exact spot where this island sits. There is no island on the charts. It is quite difficult to get one's bearings when looking for a shoal underwater and finally realizing that a 40' tall island is there instead.
The dinghy ride back to Last Dance brings a view how much farther from the lake the back of the nicer harbor lies.
The coastal trail has some challenging climbs, but the most interest comes from the rock formations and wide variety of plant life. The images below provide a glimpse of a walk along the trail.