A direct route was taken from Brule Harbor to Pilot Harbor, cutting the northeast corner of the lake. The rocky and wooded shore was visible from over 25 miles away due to the high altitude of the terrain.
As the shore became closer, a clearer view of the rocky and wooded terrain became evident. A small white spot could be seen.
The rocky shore has coves all along the shore, only a few of which provide the space, depth, and protection needed to be a good anchorage. Someone decided that Pilot Harbor needed a marker so that it could be found. An enormous carin, which has been painted white, can be seen back in the trees and a large, pyramidal, wooden day marker closer to the water.

Again, a stern tie worked well in keeping the boat in one place rather than swinging in a large circle and it kept the bow of the boat pointed out toward the lake to better take rough waters in case the winds picked up. The cut straight ahead is rocky and not navigable. To the right of the cut is another entrance island with the cut to enter just in front of the rock face.
A view out the entrance to Pilot giving a better view of the narrow cut. Out on the point, a line of rocks is visible extending off the point. That line continues under the water, also. The entrance is not only narrow, but far from a straight shot in off the lake. The hidden entrance prompted someone to place the markers to aid navigation to this harbor.
The coast of Lake Superior is rock lined with a variety of types and shapes of rocks. Those that can be seen, such as these, and those just under the water. It is best to travel at least one-half mile offshore to avoid finding any of those under-water rocks.
As Last Dance left Pilot Harbor, heading farther north, a wall of fog lay about a mile and a half off shore. Clear skies above, but thick fog on the water. The peaks on Michipicoten Island can be seen peaking over the fog.