A small cove was needed to hide from the accurately predicted high winds. Long Point Cove filled that requirement well.
Long Point has been a favorite spot for many cruisers, for many decades, for many good reasons. One cruiser who spent many a summer day at anchor here is memorialized with a carved wolf mounted on a shore-side rock. Family and friends believe the wolf keeps his spirit in the cove.
There are many features offered by Long Point in addition to the wind/wave protection. A series of coves along the mainland and strings of islands create interesting waters for exploration by kayak. The most personal of personal watercraft carried aboard Last Dance got good exercise along with the person aboard.
Many of the islands have hiking opportunities, but the best hike is on the mainland side of the cove - an unmarked trail to a high bluff beginning at a point at the entrance to the cove. The hike takes one on a circuitous path ever upward, through heavily wooded areas and over steep rock faces.
The summit rewards hikers with long-distant views. Last Dance can be seen at anchor in the cove.
As the week progressed and the winds kept blowing, more boats came to Long Point for the protection this anchorage provides. Seclusion is lost, but opportunities to meet other cruising boaters is expanded.
One of the boats, Dolphin, a 31 Duffy Downeast, brought back memories of cruising Maine where this boat was designed and built. Dolphin's home port is on the St. Clair River, near Detroit, Michigan.

Varmints destroyed Dolphin's inflatable during winter storage. Dave and Rita are avid paddleboarders, so the solution to shore access was to load the paddleboards on the rooftop of the Duffy.
With four furry friends aboard Dolphin, the trips to shore were a bit more interesting with the paddleboard conveyance.
Anchoring brings cruising boaters together, creating opportunities for fellowship and the making of new friends. Boat stories were shared at "Rocktails" on one of the rock islands bordering the cove. Comraderie among boaters is always enjoyable and educational.
The dinghy can also fill in as a fishing platform. One of the spoons purchased at Killarney, a dancing, deep-running, and colorful spoon, proved to be what attracted the Pike. This large one grabbed the spoon attached to a very small rod and reel with light line. The fish ran the line off the rod 6 times before succumbing to the fisherman. Multiple fish dinners ensued. Long Point Cove proved to be an enjoyable stop in many ways.