This online document is a means of sharing the adventure of traveling on America's waterways with friends and family. Last Dance is continuing to take her crew to historical, natural, beautiful, and interesting places. Enjoy the ride.

Sunday, December 31, 2017

North Channel - Miscellaneous Ramblings

Other Boats

Chanticleer, a 108' Burger, shared the anchorage at Benjamin Islands.  The sight of this boat brings back much of the cruising and boating history of the North Channel.  Ole Evinrude, the inventor of the outboard motor for boats, purchased an island at the end of Baie Finn and built a house there, in the early 1900s.  He would cruise his large wood yacht from his home in Wisconsin to the island in the summer.  There was no electricity in the area, so he would plug the boat into the house, powering the house with the boat generator.  He had a line of outboards mounted on the back deck.  If he would happen upon someone having a problem with an Evinrude outboard, he would exchange a new outboard for the one they had.

This boat has a similar style to Ole's boat, although much newer and built of Aluminum.  There is also a historical tie.  It was purchased by the entertainer, Frances Langford (song: I'm in the Mood for Love), who was officially Frances Langford Evinrude, wife of Ole Evinrude's son, Ralph.  So, the Evinrude boat is back in North Channel.  No matter its history, Chanticleer is a beautiful boat to have in the harbor.

This 75' Marlow shared the anchorage in Mary Ann Cove.  Marlows are beautiful, quality boats.  It is always interesting to see other boats of interesting and attractive designs.  Many boats are works of art that travel upon the water.


For some reason, rainbows and rainbows with brighter colors seem to appear in much higher frequency in the North Channel.  While docked at the town of Little Current, a rainbow ended on the aft deck of Last Dance.  Just one of the many rainbows observed in 2017.

Meldrum Bay

There were a few new sights in Meldrum Bay.  The general store reopened this year with new owners, which brings the town's count of business to 2 - The Meldrum Bay Inn and the general store.  To call attention to the newly opened business, the owners have placed some picnic chairs in front of the store that are guaranteed to attract attention.

Tied to the wharf at the city marina was a well-maintained, nice-looking, Great Lakes fishing boat.  These boats were designed to handle the large waves that can build on the lakes.  This boat has huge bow strakes to push water to the side and a very low pilot house so that waves can pass over the top of the boat.  Sadly, there are few of these left and even fewer fishing on the lakes. 

Worms in a Vending Machine

When contemplating ways to begin a new business and get rich, did the idea of putting worms in a refrigerated vending machine ever cross your mind?  Well, that thought did cross some fisherman's mind and has come to fruition.  This Live Bait machine is at the Drummond Island Marina.


Observing wildlife is one of the enjoyable aspects of being out in the wild.  Some critters need encouragement to make themselves seen.  Two Canadian friends, lifelong fishermen in Georgian Bay and North Channel, shared a number of tips bringing more success to fishing efforts and more fish for the dinner table.

Beavers rarely make themselves visible to human visitors, but they leave signs of their presence by building large beaver lodges along the shore.

Hiking Trails - Long Point Cove

Many of the anchorages in the North Channel have hiking opportunities, expanding the experience of nature. The trail at Long Point Cove is unmarked with some sections easy to see and simple to hike, while other sections confusing to determine and difficult to hike.  The challenge is part of the enjoyment.

The view from the top of the ridge is a great reward.

Hiking Trails - Covered Portage Cove

One of the hiking trails at Covered Portage is along the edge of the ridge of quartz rocks located on the north side of the cove.

The high altitude of the ridge is exhilarating, particularly for Florida flatlanders.