This online document is a means of sharing the adventure of traveling on America's waterways with friends and family. Last Dance is continuing to take her crew to historical, natural, beautiful, and interesting places. Enjoy the ride.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

North Channel - Central Area

The central segment of the North Channel has many, many coves and islands that form beautiful anchorages.  This area has almost no development.  The map is marked with red dots indicating places that Last Dance anchored on the 2016 journey.  All these anchorages deserve places on the list of favorite anchorages in North America.

Little Detroit was not a stop.  It is a small cut between a skinny peninsula on the mainland and an island to the south.  This cut connects the central area of North Channel to Whales Back Channel. Both bodies of water could be called bays.  An appropriate name for a narrow cut is "striat," but this cut is certainly not straight.  A bend in the middle blocks views of opposing boat traffic and sometimes fast currents can create difficulties in piloting.  For Americans, Detroit means a large industrial city in Michigan, creating confusion as to the title of this spot in the North Channel.  Detroit is a french word meaning strait or cut - a narrow passage between two bodies of water.  Detroit, the American city, is located on a cut connecting Lake Erie and Lake St. Clair - thus its name.